How I Print Employee Checks on Bookkeeper PDF

How I Print Employee Checks on Bookkeeper PDF: Printing employee checks efficiently is crucial for any business. Using Bookkeeper PDF software simplifies this process, ensuring that your payroll is accurate and compliant. In this guide, I will walk you through the step-by-step process of printing employee checks using Bookkeeper PDF, from setting up the software to troubleshooting common issues. 

How I Print Employee Checks on Bookkeeper PDF: Understanding Bookkeeper PDF

Before diving into the check printing process, it’s essential to understand what Bookkeeper PDF is. Bookkeeper PDF is an accounting software that helps businesses manage their finances, including invoicing, expense tracking, and payroll. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate, allowing you to print employee checks quickly and efficiently. 

How I Print Employee Checks on Bookkeeper PDF: Setting Up Bookkeeper PDF for Payroll

To print employee checks, you first need to set up your Bookkeeper PDF account for payroll processing. 

Step 1: Create a Company Profile

When you first open Bookkeeper PDF, you’ll be prompted to create a company profile. Enter your business name, address, and other relevant details. This information will appear on your printed checks. 

Step 2: Add Employees

Once your company profile is set up, navigate to the “Employees” section. Here, you can add your employees’ details, including their names, addresses, and tax information. Ensure that all information is accurate, as this will reflect on their checks. 

Step 3: Set Up Payroll Information

In the payroll section, set up your employees’ pay rates, pay frequency (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), and any deductions or benefits. This information is vital for calculating the correct check amounts. 

Designing Your Employee Check Template

Before printing checks, you need to design your check template. A well-designed check will include essential information such as the company name, employee details, check number, and payment amount. 

Step 1: Choose a Template

Bookkeeper PDF offers several check templates to choose from. Select one that suits your business needs. You can also customize the template by adding your company logo and adjusting the layout. 

Step 2: Configure Check Settings

In the check settings menu, you can specify the check format, including the font style, size, and alignment. Ensure that the design aligns with the requirements for printing on pre-printed check stock. 

Printing Employee Checks: Step-by-Step Process

Now that you have set up your account and designed your check template, it’s time to print the employee checks. Follow these steps for a smooth printing experience:

Step 1: Access the Payroll Section

Log into Bookkeeper PDF and navigate to the “Payroll” section. Here, you will find a list of employees eligible for payment. 

Step 2: Select the Employees

Choose the employees for whom you want to print checks. You can select multiple employees at once if you’re processing payroll for several individuals. 

Step 3: Review Pay Period and Amounts

Review the pay period and the amounts due for each employee. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure accuracy. It’s crucial to double-check this information to avoid errors. 

Step 4: Click on “Print Checks”

Once you’re satisfied with the information, click the “Print Checks” button. This will generate the checks based on the information you’ve entered. 

Step 5: Preview the Checks

Before printing, Bookkeeper PDF allows you to preview the checks. This step is essential to ensure everything looks correct. Check for any discrepancies, such as incorrect amounts or misaligned text. 

Step 6: Load Check Stock

Load your printer with the appropriate check stock. Make sure the checks are aligned correctly in the printer to avoid misprints. 

Step 7: Print the Checks

Finally, click the “Print” button. Monitor the printing process to ensure all checks are printed correctly. If you encounter any issues, consult the troubleshooting section. 

Troubleshooting Common Printing Issues

Even with the best software, issues can arise during the printing process. Here are some common problems and their solutions: 

Issue 1: Misalignment

For misalignment, check your printer settings and ensure that the check stock is loaded correctly. Adjust the alignment settings in Bookkeeper PDF if necessary. 

Issue 2: Incorrect Amounts

If you encounter incorrect amounts, double-check the payroll calculations in the payroll section. If there are discrepancies, update the information and reprint the checks. 

Issue 3: Printer Errors

For printer errors, restart your printer and check for any error messages. Ensure that there is enough ink and paper in the printer. 

6. Best Practices for Printing Employee Checks

To ensure a smooth check printing process, follow these best practices: 

  • Regularly Update Employee Information: Keep employee details current to avoid errors in check printing. 
  • Use Quality Check Stock: Invest in high-quality check stock to prevent printer jams and misprints. 
  • Back Up Your Data: Regularly back up your Bookkeeper PDF data to avoid losing important payroll information. 

Maintaining Accurate Payroll Records

Accurate record-keeping is essential for compliance and auditing purposes. Here are some tips for maintaining payroll records: 

  • Keep Digital Records: Store all payroll records digitally within Bookkeeper PDF for easy access. 
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of your payroll records to identify any discrepancies. 
  • Document Changes: Keep a record of any changes to employee information, such as pay rates or deductions. 

The Importance of Secure Check Printing

Secure check printing is vital to prevent fraud and protect sensitive information. Here are a few security measures to consider: 

  • Use Watermarked Check Stock: Opt for watermarked check stock to deter counterfeit checks. 
  • Limit Access: Restrict access to the check printing feature in Bookkeeper PDF to authorized personnel only. 
  • Implement Password Protection: Use strong passwords to protect your Bookkeeper PDF account and sensitive payroll data. 

Exploring Additional Features of Bookkeeper PDF

Beyond printing checks, Bookkeeper PDF offers various features that can enhance your accounting process: 

  • Invoicing: Create and send professional invoices directly from the software. 
  • Expense Tracking: Track business expenses and categorize them for easier financial management. 
  • Reporting: Generate financial reports to gain insights into your business performance. 


How I Print Employee Checks on Bookkeeper PDF: Printing employee checks using Bookkeeper PDF can be a straightforward process when you follow the right steps. By understanding how to set up your account, design your check template, and troubleshoot common issues, you can ensure accurate and timely payroll processing. Implementing best practices and maintaining secure check printing will further enhance your payroll management, making it an essential tool for your business. 


1. What type of check stock should I use with Bookkeeper PDF? 

Use pre-printed check stock that is compatible with your printer and matches the template settings in Bookkeeper PDF. 

2. Can I edit employee information after setting it up? 

Yes, you can edit employee information at any time in the “Employees” section of Bookkeeper PDF. 

3. What should I do if my checks are misaligned? 

Check your printer settings and the alignment options in Bookkeeper PDF. Adjust as needed and do a test print before printing the entire batch. 

4. Is there a limit to the number of checks I can print at once? 

No, you can print checks for all employees in your payroll system at once. Just ensure your printer can handle the volume. 

5. How can I ensure my payroll data is secure? 

Implement strong passwords, limit access to payroll features, and regularly back up your data to protect sensitive information. 

Also read: Interest Income Category for Book Bookkeeping Services: 5 Essential Tips for Accurate Reporting

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